Archive | January, 2016

No Rest. Fly! 2016

17 Jan

“No rest. Fly!” That is what Crosby, in all of her newly turned two year old wisdom, instructed us to do last year on the morning Chip went to heaven, so this weekend, Clete, the kids and I decided to head to the mountains of West Virginia to find joy and experience happiness, just as Chip had instructed us to do. We’ve bowled, ice skated, eaten ice cream, swum, watched the Pats win, played in the arcade, stayed up past our bedtime, cackle laughed, and even had a dance off to our favorite One Direction songs. (Joe won and Crosby received honorable mention.)

Joe asked me the other day why Daddy hadn’t sent us any snow yet this winter. This morning we woke up to the most beautiful and gently falling snow. I told Joe he must have been waiting until today to send us a little extra love. Received and right back at’cha, Chip Kennett, forever and ever.

We’ve got this.