Get Up Off the Couch

6 Nov

Chip and I spent those first couple of days trying to wrap our heads around his diagnosis, call our parents, siblings and close friends with the news and try to get a game plan together.  We knew Chip had cancer and it was aggressive, but we did not yet know what kind of cancer he had.  In order for treatment to be prescribed, the doctors had to learn the pathology of his cancer, so we went back to Virginia Hospital Center a couple of days later for a biopsy.  They removed a piece of bone from Chip’s hip and sent it off to the lab.

While waiting on the pathology report to come back, we grew stronger in our resolve to fight, and Chip asked me to start writing about this.  Specifically, to start writing a blog.  He liked my voice.  He liked my attitude.  He thought it would be a good outlet for me, but more than anything, he wanted our kids to see how their parents chose to handle life when this shit sandwich was suddenly served up on a silver platter.  Wow.  It was a pretty tall ask.

I once thought of becoming a travel writer.  I still aspire to be the female Anthony Bourdain, and no, I do not mean Samantha Brown.  I mean the female version of Anthony Bourdain.  I do have the mouth of a sailor and the love of travel, so I figure I am halfway there already.

I once entertained the idea of becoming a food critic and writer as I love to eat and share my unsolicited opinion.  At one point, after surviving a difficult time, I even fancied myself knowledgeable enough to write a self-help book titled Sometimes You Have to Ride on Gravel about the importance of self-discovery, but Katie left the Today Show and then Oprah went off the air, so I lost the motivation to follow through.  I mean, I know Oprah has her OWN network now, but raise your hand if you can actually find that anywhere on tv.

After I got pregnant with Joe, many friends urged me to write a blog about my pregnancy and motherhood, but seriously, who wants to read about constipation and cracked nipples??  Ewwwww…not me.  I honestly thought blogs were for SAHMs to brag about their DD and DS or their latest DIY project. I don’t make pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouse.  I don’t “pin” things.  I doubt too many would be interested in re-pinning my Old El Paso hard n soft taco kit or frozen Indian dishes from Trader Joe’s.  I don’t even know how to iron and choose not to clean my own toilets.  I have no idea how to get a rust stain out of the bottom of my bathtub.

I am just your standard MILF in NoVA striving to achieve that perfect work/life balance and squeeze in a couple of sessions a month at the Pilates studio along the way.  I am the most irreverent believer you’ll ever meet, and I am a female cusser.  I have been since the 4th grade and am not ashamed to admit it.

So, me, now writing my very own blog.  About our life with CANCER of all things.  Well, here goes.  The Team Kennett blog promises to be candid and informative about our walk and decision we have made to live with cancer.

Anthony Bourdain’s final episode of “No Reservations” aired on November 5th with this final quote:

“If I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat their food, it’s a plus for everybody. Open your mind, get up off the couch, move.”

I believe this advice is applicable to life in general.

– Sheila

One Response to “Get Up Off the Couch”


  1. Big | Team Kennett - June 8, 2013

    […] know, I know, I know–I am basically the worst blogger known to man, but as I wrote in “Get Up Off the Couch,” this whole thing was Chip’s idea in the first place, so I am going to blame it all on him.  […]

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